Materials for Learning

At the David Helping Hand Foundation, we believe that education is a powerful tool for transforming lives. Our commitment to providing quality learning opportunities extends to various settings, from formal schools to community-based education programs. Here are some key aspects of our Materials for Learning initiative:

  1. High-Quality Learning Spaces:

    • We create conducive learning environments in both formal schools and informal education settings.

    • Our focus includes community-based education and accelerated learning programs for children who have missed years of schooling.

    • By establishing safe and engaging spaces, we empower students to learn effectively.

  2. Equipping Teachers and Facilitators:

    • We recognize that well-prepared educators are essential for meaningful learning experiences.

    • The foundation provides teaching and learning materials to equip teachers and facilitators.

    • These resources enhance their ability to deliver impactful lessons and engage students effectively.

  3. Exploring Educational Websites:

    • We encourage students and educators to explore high-quality educational websites.

    • Some of our recommended platforms include:

      • Offers free coding lessons, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

      • Google for Education: Provides an array of free resources, including Google Experiments for unique simulations and games.

      • FunBrain: Engages students through fun math and reading games.

      • Scholastic: Known for high-quality educational materials, Scholastic’s website offers lesson plans and interactive activities.

      • Gooru: Empowers students to understand their learning preferences and take control of their education.

      • Edutopia: A valuable resource for educators, offering insights, videos, and classroom guides.

      • Encourages kids to learn new skills and set goals.

      • Science Bob: Sparks interest in science through experiments and research.

      • Teachers Pay Teachers: While not entirely free, it hosts many free downloads for teachers.

Remember, education is a collaborative effort, and together, we can make a difference in the lives of young learners. Let’s continue to provide the tools they need to thrive and succeed!